Monday, February 25, 2008


Why is it that the airlines still feel compelled to show me how to use a seatbelt? Is somebody still not getting this? I wish they would stop showing me how to use this very basic hardware device that I've been using since I was three, and start showing me how to recognize terrorists!
Just some hints, please! Some helpful for the guy who ordered the baklava! Look for the guy with smoke coming from his shoes. Look for the guy with nothing but vowels in his name (Alla mahama alla halala...the third). I'm paranoid enough as it is! me!

Anyway, if you're in the San Diego area this weekend don't miss Clergy Comedy live on Friday night at Response Resources Conference in Chula Vista hosted by Rev. Art Hodges. Stop by our booth and pick up your copy of our new DVD! Stop in say "hi" and let us hear from you!

Kelly Ventura

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